Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Twilight Saga

It's amazing... I've posted twice in the past two days...

Well, today I'm posting about Twilight. Why, do you ask, do I put myself in the middle of the fight between Team Edward, Team Jacob, Team Twilight Sucks and Team Twilight is Brilliant? Quite simply, I live a short distance from Forks... I read and own all four books and I haven't seen any of the movies. I honestly don't mind the books and appreciate them for what they are; they're a collection of cheesy teen romance novels about different sorts of vampires and shapeshifting werewolves. I don't think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread, but neither do I consider them the most terrible novels ever published. They're like popcorn movies that you watch sheerly for enjoyment, nothing more. I'm not on a team; I just don't particularly care.

What does drive me crazy about the phenomenon is the constant stream of ADVERTISING! The movie ads have been on nearly every time I turn on the bloody TV. It gets very annoying very quickly. Oh, well, it'll all be over soon.

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