Friday, October 1, 2010

Bullying Must End

Hello again, everyone. I come to you after hearing of the tragic death (it could be considered a murder) of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi. His death didn't have to happen. It was all because of two people who thought it would be "sooo funny" to take a picture of him being intimate with his boyfriend. It wasn't. Gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual or transsexual, unless you're in the adult film industry, you don't want to have your intimate moments broadcast. That is not a prank, folks. That's cruel.

The Internet has allowed many wonderful things. However, it has unleashed some terrible things as well. Cyberbullying, also known as cyberharassment, takes many forms. We see it in message board forums, in chats and even in videos posted online. How many more people is it going to take before people ask themselves, "Is this worth a life?" If someone tells you that they're having problems, be understanding. It may not seem like a lot to you, but it may be a lot to them. In the schoolyard, at work, anywhere, if you're doing this, stop.

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