Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Spiritual Journey Part III

Hello again, readers of Peach Wookiee's Party. I apologize for taking so long in writing a new post, but real life has a nasty tendency of getting in the way. So what is the next thing I've learned in my spiritual journey? Well, the idea of suffering. In many modern Christian churches, it seems like suffering isn't really dealt with. You're supposed to suck it up and deal because there's got to be a reason for it. It seems every world religion has the idea that suffering is going to happen for whatever reason. It can be best summed up in five words: life is going to suck. Sometimes, it just is going to suck. You'll be going along, thinking your life is awesome and everything's going to work out great. And then, something just plain crappy happens. Can you figure out why it's happening? No. Can anyone else? Not really.

So how in the heck are you supposed to deal? Is it okay to cry about it? Ask God, "Why me?" Yeah, it is! Read the book of Job or the book of Psalms. The writers seem to be asking God, "Why in the heck am I getting dumped on?" Sometimes, there is no answer. A relative of mine maintains that suffering is part of human existence, and I agree with him.

What are your thoughts regarding suffering?

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